Gallery statistics - Images with the most views

Here's the backside. Notice the labels documenting what I'd done. They'll come in handy later.
Here's the backside. Notice the labels documenting what I'd done. They'll come in handy later.  
From album: Jeff's Handiwork
Viewed: 5368 times
Viewed: 5364 times
Mariel watches a 3d movie
Mariel watches a 3d movie  
From album: Mariel's Pics
Viewed: 5363 times
From album: Darcy
Viewed: 5346 times
More shadows
More shadows  
From album: Uncropped photos
Thinking about it, it seemed to me that there were three main elements of photos that stand out. 1) Dramatic contrast, 2) Patterns, and 3) Unusual perspective. I was trying to combine all three in these shadow photos.
Viewed: 5344 times
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